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Outdoor guides

16 Idéer På Utomhusaktiviteter!

16 Idéer På Utomhusaktiviteter!

16 idéer på utomhusaktiviteter! Ladda ner vårt äventyrsbingo för höst- och vinterinspiration! Hur många aktiviteter hinner du bocka av innan årsskiftet? Glöm inte att tagga oss på @astridwild_outdo...


16 Ideas For Outdoor Activities

16 outdoor activities to try out!Download our outdoor bingo for some inspiration! How many of the activities are you trying out this fall and winter? Don't forget to tag us @astridwild_outdoorfashi...


Blueberry bun recipe

Simple blueberry bun recipe to cook outdoors!Yes, you read it right! This is a recipe for you to bring on your next outdoor adventure. Bring your storm kitchen or a griddle, some friends and impres...


10 bästa vandringslederna i Sverige

Topp 10 bästa vandringslederna i Sverige - tips från vår community! Tillsammans med vår community har vi satt ihop en lista med vandringar du inte får missa, inklusive Getryggen (Storulvån), Isälvs...


Favorite hiking trails in Sweden

Our 10 favourite hiking trails in Sweden for you to try on your next adventure. Toghether with our community we have gathered this list of "must-sees" in the Nordic nature, including Getryggen (Sto...



Ett roligt och enkelt sätt att aktivera barnen i naturen! Den här bingon skapades för att peppa dig och dina barn att spendera mer tid utomhus och utnyttja närliggande natur. Använd denna under er...


Nature bingo

A fun and easy way to activate your kids! This bingo was created to help you and your kids get outdoors and take advantage of the nearby nature. Use it on your next adventure with the youngsters a...


Packing list

The ultimate packing list to prepare you for your next hiking adventure! Our packing list was created to help you not to overpack or forget important things, aswell as making the process of packin...
