Emelie Jonsson – Dogmama & advocate for mental health.
This week, we had a chat with Emelie Jonsson – dog mama, sociology and gender studies student and advocate for mental health. (How cool is that?) We got curious about this lady and her doggie Nikki, and happily it turned out she was honored to share some words with us too. Here's how it went down!
What sets your heart on fire, and why do you think that’s the case?
My two biggest passions in life are womens rights and dog photography. Two very different passions, but they both mean so much to me. My passion for equality and every humans right to a good life sparked when I was a teenager and got my first conscious glance at inequality. Since then I've been trying to make a change for the better in everything I do and have the power to influence. My passion for photography is fairly new, I bought my first camera and started photographing back in March this year and fell completely in love with that form of art right away. To me, photography brings my dog Nikki and I closer together and gives me the opportunity to capture our bond and memories on camera.
Have you always been living a life with dogs/animals?
I have always loved all animals, to me animals are equal to humans and deserve everything we take for granted: safety and love. I grew up surrounded by cats and didn't really have any contact with dogs until I was 15, when my family decided to adopt a dog. The moment I got to know 'dog life', I knew I would one day want my own little furry friend by my side.
Emelie is 173 cm tall, wearing the Rosa Hiking Tights in Green, size 46.
Tell us about your dog! Name, breed and personality?
My dogs name is Nikki. She's a 1,5 year old Toller girl and has truly changed my life. If I had to describe Nikki in 3 words it would be: Independent, loving and incredibly smart. She is crazy, calm and playful all at once, and is a true Toller in so many ways.
How does living life with dog side by side, change your perspectives on life?
Living a life with Nikki has changed my perspective on life in so many ways. I would say that I'm a happier and more positive person today than I was 2 years ago. I'm on the spectrum and have what is called Aspergers, which has made social life and social situations a huge emotional struggle for me. Walking out the door and simply existing in society was something that gave me anxiety and panic attacks, but since Nikki entered my life that all changed. Nikki makes me a more brave, confident and daring person that today has the power to manage life all thanks to the support of my little girl.
Does it impact your relationship to nature, if yes – how?
Owning a dog has changed my view and relationship to nature massively. I must admit that I was that type of child who hated being outside and never saw the beauty in nature. Nikki truly opened up my eyes to natures true potential and charm. Going on hikes with her is the best thing I know nowadays, and I can't wait for all the magical adventures we'll go on in the future.
What’s your favorite activity or place, with Nikki, outdoors?
Our favorite place is weirdly enough a big pasture where cows gaze in the summers. The nature there is simply magical and the presence of the animals makes it so harmonic. During summer we pack some snacks and go there to just enjoy the view and each others company. Now that the cows aren't there I use the pasture as a photography and hiking location since it is so big and has so many nice spots.
Do you have any dream nature adventure to take on with Nikki?
I have so many to be honest! At the top of my bucket list is traveling to Lappland, to experience the beautiful nature and northern lights that can be seen from there. I also would love to visit Norway, Austria and Iceland.
Thank you so much Emelie, for introducing us to your and Nikkis life, we hope you'll enjoy loads of outdoor adventures together ahead! If you wanna read more inspiring stories from real women out there, don't forget to check out the rest of our our Wild Women blogs!
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